“Elemental explor[es] the history of wildfire in the West, changing public perceptions, and how natural climate cycles have been inextricably linked to both fire patterns and the hubristic notion that we can control them.”
“Elemental explores humanity's current relationship with wildfire, offering a hopeful look into how to better prepare for and live with such a powerful force as it becomes more common… [and] includ[es] visual representations of how…natural landscapes can regrow and support life even after a burn.”
“Elemental highlights the importance of the use of fire on the forests, but also highlights some of the historical practices that have allowed for the types of ideals and thoughts we hold about fire today.”
“As our world faces existential threats…the best weapon we have is information…Elemental is wonderfully constructed documentary that systemically outlines the challenges and failures of humanity’s battle against wildfires—and their impact on both people and the planet.”
Visually stunning film that presents some of the best thinking on wildfire. If you live in fire country, this film could help you keep your family safe.
Senator Jeff Golden, Oregon
Elemental is a gorgeous, informative and utterly engaging film that gives me a renewed sense of hope and purpose towards the work I’m doing as a firefighter and legislator. The science shows us that there is a better way to coexist with fire, and that we already have the tools within our reach to be safer, healthier, and more resilient in the face of increasing fire danger.
Representative and firefighter Dacia Grayber, Oregon
Elemental beautifully presents the complexity of the wildfire challenges we face and crystalizes our choices going forward - the film is a must see for all Americans living in fire prone landscapes.
Jim Furnish, Former Deputy Chief United States Forest Service
Elemental is an amazing film that spurs meaningful conversations about Indigenous fire practices and caring for the land. We plan to bring it to students in our Native Studies classes, and to our community to spur conversations and actions to help us all better prepare to live in higher risk areas.
- Alyssa Cherry, Confederated Tribes of the Grande Ronde (member of Chickasaw and Tlingit)
Elemental is an outstanding film that deserves the widest possible viewing. In a visually stunning manner, it distills what we’ve learned about wildland fire over the decades and provides a road-map for badly needed changes that will benefit thousands of people, particularly in fire prone communities.
Mike Dombeck, Former Chief United States Forest Service
Elemental does an excellent job of explaining our current wildfire problems and the solutions most likely to help us protect our homes, communities, and public lands moving forward. Built on a solid foundation of science and fact, the film explores our options in an era of extended drought and increasing wildfire size and intensity.
- Tom Boatner, Bureau of Land Management, Chief of Fire Operations (Ret.), career firefighter and smokejumper
Elemental is one of those rare films that kicked my brain into high gear thinking about forests and wildfire. This film can help our nation re-examine how we manage forests and wildfires, and what we can do to protect our homes and communities in the face of climate change.
- John Berry, Forest Supervisor of the Eldorado NF (Ret.), Dist. Ranger - Siskiyou NF, Dist. Ranger - Mt Hood NF, career firefighter, smokejumper